Translation, Migration, & Gender in the Americas, the Transatlantic, & the Transpacific
5-8 Jul 2017 Bordeaux (France)


Friday, July 7, 2017
›9:00 (1h15)
F1- Emily Dickinson and Performance
Christa Holm Vogelius (University of Copenhagen) - Respondent: Martha Nell Smith (University of Maryland, USA) - Organizers: Páraic Finnerty (University of Portsmouth, UK) & Adeline Chevrier-Bosseau (Université Paris-Est Créteil,France) - Organized by the Emily Dickinson International Society (Panel I)
› J002
›9:00 (1h15)
F2- Border Crossings in the Work of Lydia Maria Child
Debby Rosenthal (John Carroll University, USA) - Organized by the Lydia Maria Child Society
› J004
›9:00 (1h15)
› J006
›9:00 (1h15)
F4- Feeling Transnational
Sarah Wilson (University of Toronto, Canada) - Organizer: Katherine Adams (Tulane University, USA)
› J008
›9:00 (1h15)
F5- American Jewish Women Writers
Karen E. H. Skinazi (University of Birmingham, UK)
› J010
›9:00 (1h15)
F6- Border Crossings in Nella Larsen's Writings
Martha J. Cutter (University of Connecticut, USA)
› I009
›9:00 (1h15)
F7- Border Crossings in Caribbean-American Literature I
Florence Ramond Jurney (Gettysburg College, USA)
› I007
›9:00 (1h15)
F8- Border Crossings and Religious Experience
Rachel B. Griffis (Sterling College, USA)
› I005
›9:00 (1h15)
F9- Border Crossings and the Experience of War and Violence in Europe
Anne Reynes (Aix Marseille Université, France)
› I003
›9:00 (1h15)
F10- Border Crossings, Language, and Translation
Pascale Sardin (Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France)
› I002
›10:15 (15min)
› Hall Central
›10:30 (1h15)
G1- Dickinson in Motion: Multiplicity, Fluidity and Spaces of Possibility
Cécile Roudeau (Université Paris Diderot, France) - Organizers: Páraic Finnerty (University of Portsmouth, UK) & Adeline Chevrier-Bosseau (Université Paris-Est Créteil, France) - Organized by the Emily Dickinson International Society (Panel II) &
› J002
›10:30 (1h15)
G2- Border Crossings in/around Harriet Beecher Stowe's Writings
LuElla d’Amico (University of the Incarnate Word, USA)
› J004
›10:30 (1h15)
G3- Transatlantic Women II: Transnational Literary Sisterhood-Liminality, Translation, and Self-Conscious Appropriation
Beth L. Lueck (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA) - Organized by Transatlantic Women (Panel II)
› J006
›10:30 (1h15)
G4- Literature, Drama, and Transnational Identities
Carol J. Singley (Rutgers University, Camden, USA)
› J008
›10:30 (1h15)
G5- Border Crossings in Jewish-American Literature
David Brauner (University of Reading, UK)
› J010
›10:30 (1h15)
G6- Border Crossings in Ruth Ozeki’s Writings
Nicoleta Alexoae-Zagni (ISTOM & Université Paris Nanterre, France)
› I009
›10:30 (1h15)
› I007
›10:30 (1h15)
G8- Border Crossings in Caribbean-American Literature II
Judith Madera (Wake Forest University, USA)
› I005
›10:30 (1h15)
› I002
›10:30 (1h15)
G10- Transnational/Transcontinental Feminist Border Crossings
Mary McCartin Wearn (Middle Georgia State University, USA)
›12:00 (1h)
› Hall Central
›13:30 (1h)
Plenary session: Sarah Rose Etter / Bizarre Feminism: Surrealism In The Service of a Movement
Véronique Béghain (Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France)
› Amphithéâtre 700
›14:30 (1h15)
H1- Stowe and her Contemporaries: Transatlantic Reading, Reception, and Travel
Nancy Lusignan Schultz (Salem State University, USA) - Organized by the Harriet Beecher Stowe Society
› J002
›14:30 (1h15)
H2- Islands and Archipelagos
Arielle Zibrak (University of Wyoming, USA) - Organizers: Melissa Gniadek (University of Toronto, Canada) and Hilary Emmett (University of East Anglia, UK) - Organized by the British Association for Nineteenth Century Americanists (BrANCA)
› J004
›14:30 (1h15)
H3- Katherine Anne Porter’s Familiar Countries
Beth Alvarez (University of Maryland, USA) - Organized by the Katherine Anne Porter Society
› J006
›14:30 (1h15)
H4- The Story-Cycle Novel: “A Necessary Fiction?”
Candace Waid (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
› J008
›14:30 (1h15)
H5- Border Crossings and the Experience of War and Violence in America
Julia Nitz (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
› J010
›14:30 (1h15)
› I009
›14:30 (1h15)
H7- 19th-Century Women Writers Crossing Borders
Etta Madden (Missouri State University, USA)
› I007
›14:30 (1h15)
H8- Ecocritical Interpretations of Women Writing about Nature and the Environment
Sarah Dufaure (Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France)
› I005
›14:30 (1h15)
Claire Sorin & Nicolas Boileau (Aix Marseille Université, France) - Organized by the Research Group LERMA (Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherche sur le Monde Anglophone, Aix Marseille Université)
› I002
›14:30 (1h15)
› I003
›15:45 (15min)
› Hall Central
›16:00 (1h15)
I1- Crossing Borders: Shifting Selves, Emerging Pathways
Deborah Clarke (Arizona State University, USA)
› J002
›16:00 (1h15)
› J004
›16:00 (1h15)
I3- Raced Nationality in Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Women’s Literature
Kristin Allukian (University of South Florida, USA)
› J006
›16:00 (1h15)
I4- American Playwrights Crossing Borders
Emeline Jouve (INU Champollion/Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, France)
› J008
›16:00 (1h15)
› J010
›16:00 (1h15)
I6- Translation, Transgression, Disruption, and Migration
Molly Fuller (Kent State University, USA)
› I009
›16:00 (1h15)
I7- American Poets Crossing Borders
Adeline Chevrier-Bosseau (Université Paris-Est Créteil, France)
› I007
›16:00 (1h15)
I8- Representing and Performing Otherness
Charlotte Rich (Eastern Kentucky University, USA)
› I005
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